Save Thumbnail on Scene Save

Save Thumbnail on Scene Save#

This example plugin updates the scenefile thumbnail every time a scenefile gets overwritten.
By default Prism saves thumbnails only when saving new versions.

See the section for Single File Plugins on how to load this example.


name = "SaveThumbnailOnSceneSave"
classname = "SaveThumbnailOnSceneSave"

import os
from qtpy.QtWidgets import *

class SaveThumbnailOnSceneSave:
    def __init__(self, core):
        self.core = core
        self.version = "v1.0.0"

        self.core.registerCallback("sceneSaved", self.sceneSaved, plugin=self)

    def sceneSaved(self):
        if not self.core.getConfig("globals", "capture_viewport", config="user", dft=True):
            return  # return if capturing thumbnails is turned off in the user settings

        filepath = self.core.getCurrentFileName()
        if os.path.exists(filepath) and os.path.getctime(filepath) == os.path.getmtime(filepath):
            return  # return if the scenefile creation time is the same as the modification time, because for new versions Prism already creates a thumbnail by default

        appPreview = getattr(self.core.appPlugin, "captureViewportThumbnail", lambda: None)()
        if not appPreview:
            return  # return if no thumbnail could be captured

        preview =, self.core.scenePreviewWidth, self.core.scenePreviewHeight, fitIntoBounds=False, crop=True)
        self.core.entities.setScenePreview(filepath, preview)