Adding Files To Created Assets

Adding Files To Created Assets#

This example plugin creates an additional folder in the asset folder, when an asset gets created and copies files into it.

See the section for Single File Plugins on how to load this example.


name = "AddAssetFiles"
classname = "AddAssetFiles"

import os
import shutil
from qtpy.QtWidgets import *

class AddAssetFiles:
    def __init__(self, core):
        self.core = core
        self.version = "v1.0.0"

        # register onAssetCreated callback
        self.core.registerCallback("onAssetCreated", self.onAssetCreated, plugin=self)

    def onAssetCreated(self, origin, entity, dlg):
        # get folderpath from created asset
        asset_path = self.core.getEntityPath(entity=entity)

        # create reference folder
        target = os.path.join(asset_path, "References")
        if not os.path.exists(target):

        # copy files into reference folder
        sourcefiles = [
        for sourcefile in sourcefiles:
            shutil.copy2(sourcefile, target)