

Hooks are Python files, which are executed automatically by Prism at specific callback events.

Hooks are placed in a Prism project in this folder: 00_Pipeline\Hooks

The filename should look like this <callback_name>.py where “callback_name” will be replaced with the name of the callback, which should execute the file.

For a list of available callbacks see here.

The file needs to have a function named main, which will be executed by Prism when the callback is triggered. Most callbacks will pass one or more arguments to the main function.

Prism needs to restart to register newly created hook files. Subsequent changes to the hook files are taking effect immediately. It’s not required to reload or restart Prism after changing a hook file.


Creating additional shot folders#

This example will create additional folders everytime a shot gets created. The same can be archived for assets using the onAssetCreated callback.

Filename: onShotCreated.py


import os

def main(*args, **kwargs):
    origin = args[0]
    entity = args[1]
    additional_shot_folders = ["audio", "plates", "client_data"]
    shot_path = origin.core.getEntityPath(entity=entity)
    for folder in additional_shot_folders:
        folderpath = shot_path + "/" + folder
        print("created folder " + folderpath)

Changing the verbosity of Maya Arnold render jobs on Deadline#

This example will set a parameter in the Deadline job settings when an Arnold render job gets submitted from Maya to Deadline. Setting the ArnoldVerbose parameter to 3 will cause a more detailed log when the scene gets rendered.

Filename: sm_render_getDeadlineParams.py


def main(origin, dlParams, homeDir):
    # check if hook is called in Maya
    if origin.core.appPlugin.pluginName != "Maya":

    # return if the submitted job is not rendering using Arnold
    if dlParams["pluginInfos"]["Renderer"] != "arnold":

    # set the Arnold Verbosity
    dlParams["pluginInfos"]["ArnoldVerbose"] = 3