Adding Settings to an Export State#

This example plugin adds custom settings to the Export State in the State Manager.

It can be used similarly for other state types as well.

See the section for Single File Plugins on how to load this example.


name = "CustomExportSettings"
classname = "CustomExportSettings"

from qtpy.QtWidgets import *

class CustomExportSettings:
    def __init__(self, core):
        self.core = core
        self.version = "v1.0.0"

        # register callbacks
        # use a lower priority than 50 to make sure the function gets called after the "onStateStartup" function of the Deadline plugin
        self.core.registerCallback("onStateStartup", self.onStateStartup, plugin=self, priority=40)
        self.core.registerCallback("onStateGetSettings", self.onStateGetSettings, plugin=self)
        self.core.registerCallback("onStateSettingsLoaded", self.onStateSettingsLoaded, plugin=self)
        self.core.registerCallback("preExport", self.preExport, plugin=self)
        self.core.registerCallback("postExport", self.postExport, plugin=self)

    def onStateStartup(self, state):
        # this function is used to create the GUI widgets every time a state gets created

        # only for export states
        if state.className == "Export":

            # create the "Setting1" widgets only in Houdini
            if self.core.appPlugin.pluginName == "Houdini":

                # get the layout of the state settings, which the new widgets will be added to
                lo = state.gb_general.layout()

                # create a widget with a label and a checkbox
                state.w_setting1 = QWidget()
                state.lo_setting1 = QHBoxLayout(state.w_setting1)
                state.lo_setting1.setContentsMargins(9, 0, 9, 0)
                state.l_setting1 = QLabel("Setting 1:")
                state.chb_setting1 = QCheckBox()

                # save the state settings when the checkbox gets toggled
                state.chb_setting1.toggled.connect(lambda s: state.stateManager.saveStatesToScene())

            # create the "Settings2" widgets only when the state has job submission widgets (for Deadline job submissions)
            if hasattr(state, "gb_submit"):

                # get the layout of the state settings, which the new widgets will be added to
                lo = state.gb_submit.layout()

                # create a widget with a label and a combobox
                state.w_setting2 = QWidget()
                state.lo_setting2 = QHBoxLayout(state.w_setting2)
                state.lo_setting2.setContentsMargins(9, 0, 9, 0)
                state.l_setting2 = QLabel("Setting 2:")
                state.cb_setting2 = QComboBox()
                options = ["setting1", "setting2", "Option3"]

                # save the state settings when the current dropdown item gets changed
                state.cb_setting2.currentIndexChanged.connect(lambda s: state.stateManager.saveStatesToScene())

    def onStateGetSettings(self, state, settings):
        # this function collects the currents settings from the GUI widgets in order to save the settings

        if state.className == "Export":
            if self.core.appPlugin.pluginName == "Houdini":
                settings["setting1"] = state.chb_setting1.isChecked()

            if hasattr(state, "gb_submit"):
                settings["setting2"] = state.cb_setting2.currentText()

    def onStateSettingsLoaded(self, state, settings):
        # this function loads the state settings from a dict to the GUI widgets

        if state.className == "Export":
            if self.core.appPlugin.pluginName == "Houdini":
                if "setting1" in settings:

            if hasattr(state, "gb_submit"):
                if "setting2" in settings:
                    idx = state.cb_setting2.findText(settings["setting2"])
                    if idx != -1:

    def preExport(self, **kwargs):
        # this function will be executed before the export started

        if self.core.appPlugin.pluginName == "Houdini":
            checked = kwargs["state"].chb_setting1.isChecked()
            # do things with this setting in the current scene

        if hasattr(kwargs["state"], "gb_submit"):
            option = kwargs["state"].cb_setting2.currentText()
            # do things with this setting in the current scene

    def postExport(self, **kwargs):
        # this function will be executed after the export completed

        if self.core.appPlugin.pluginName == "Houdini":
            checked = kwargs["state"].chb_setting1.isChecked()
            self.core.popup("Exported with setting1: %s" % (bool(checked)))