Adding Custom Tab To Prism Settings

Adding Custom Tab To Prism Settings#

This example plugin adds a custom tab to the Prism User Settings and a custom tab to the Prism Project Settings.
Custom widgets can be displayed in each of these tabs.

See the section for Single File Plugins on how to load this example.


name = "AddTabToSettings"
classname = "AddTabToSettings"

from qtpy.QtWidgets import *

class AddTabToSettings:
    def __init__(self, core):
        self.core = core
        self.version = "v1.0.0"

        # register projectSettings_loadUI callback. will be triggered when project settings open
        self.core.registerCallback("projectSettings_loadUI", self.projectSettings_loadUI, plugin=self)

        # register projectSettings_loadUI callback. will be triggered when user settings open
        self.core.registerCallback("userSettings_loadUI", self.userSettings_loadUI, plugin=self)

    def projectSettings_loadUI(self, origin):
        # create a widget
        origin.w_myPlugin = QWidget()
        origin.lo_myPlugin = QVBoxLayout(origin.w_myPlugin)

        # create a button
        origin.b_myMessage = QPushButton("Press Me (Project)")
        origin.b_myMessage.clicked.connect(lambda: self.core.popup("Hello"))

        sp_stretch = QSpacerItem(0, 0, QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Expanding)

        # add tab to Project Settings
        origin.addTab(origin.w_myPlugin, "My Plugin")

    def userSettings_loadUI(self, origin):
        # create a widget
        origin.w_myPlugin = QWidget()
        origin.lo_myPlugin = QVBoxLayout(origin.w_myPlugin)

        # create a button
        origin.b_myMessage = QPushButton("Press Me (User)")
        origin.b_myMessage.clicked.connect(lambda: self.core.popup("Hello"))
        sp_stretch = QSpacerItem(0, 0, QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Expanding)

        # add tab to User Settings
        origin.addTab(origin.w_myPlugin, "My Plugin")