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MAYA: Additional playblast settings

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I'll do some more testing. I saw that it work on one of the animators computers, so it might just have been some glitch in my scene. I'll let you know if I run in to the same issues again.

EDIT: just discard this post, it acutally worked 🙂




Haha, alright. Finally it works 🙂

Hey, Richard

First of all thanks you for this great pipeline tool and your afford.

Just two request :

  1. Playblast is just fine but can we get HUD automatic when publish playblast ( like username, scene name, focal length, time-date, current frame, etc... ) and after playblast it will remove.

there is free script available for that but we have to do it manually.

Link :

Thank you for .mp4 file formats while publish playblast but it ignore the sound, please give option to select sound while publish playblast ( can we get .mov file format if possible )

Once again THANK YOU very much

Hey ashwin,

I'm glad you like Prism so much.

I would love to have the HUD in all Prism integrations, but I guess in most 3d apps this would be more difficult than in Maya. Thanks for the example script, that will help a lot. I add that to the feature idea list for now and I will have a look at this after christmas.


Thank You Richard

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