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PrismTrello custom plugin release!

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i'm very interested in this plugin but unfortunattely after installing, i always have an error when trying to sync prism and trello. I just have the trello integration in Project settings but i cant authorize the tool.  An video explanation would be interesting.
Thank you

Quote from Byter on 18. May 2019, 23:07


Have you ever heard about Deck? (in nextCloud) It's basicly the same as Trello but inside an opensource selfhosted cloud. I would love to work with you on an integration for that. It's not that dissimilar than Trello, so it shouldn't be that much more work. I can work on it from the end of June.

If there would be an integration between Deck and Prism, anyone can have full selfhosted, opensource: workflow, scheduling, pipeline combo.

any news?

Having some trouble with this, it seems to be updating trello with sequences and shot names however it does not enter any tasks or (don't know if it does this anyways) upload any files/playblasts. Are there any steps beyond clicking the sync prism to trello button?



Quote from c17vfx on 2. September 2019, 3:16
Quote from Byter on 18. May 2019, 23:07


Have you ever heard about Deck? (in nextCloud) It's basicly the same as Trello but inside an opensource selfhosted cloud. I would love to work with you on an integration for that. It's not that dissimilar than Trello, so it shouldn't be that much more work. I can work on it from the end of June.

If there would be an integration between Deck and Prism, anyone can have full selfhosted, opensource: workflow, scheduling, pipeline combo.

any news?

Sorry everyone! This years (luckily) is much more harder and I have much more work than I expected. I still planning to look into this option to connect prism to nextcloud. I still think it would be cool. I just don't know when. I already checked the abality on nextcloud's deck, it seemed promising, but I can't find it right now.

I need to work with connector to trello for different pipeline.

Please, answer - how much time you spend for creation connector prism-trello?

Hi - first, thanks so much for making this.  It looks very promising and exactly what I'm looking for.  Seecond, I'm having a tough time getting it to work.  I'm sure I'm doing something wrong and any pointers would be appreciated.  This is what I'm getting:

21/01/21 19:09:59 ERROR - Prism_Plugin_Trello v1.1.1.0:
File "C:/Prism\Scripts\PrismUtils\", line 57, in func_wrapper
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "C:/Prism\Scripts\", line 407, in saveSettings
self.core.changeProject(self.core.prismIni, settingsTab=self.tw_settings.currentIndex())
File "C:/Prism\Scripts\PrismUtils\", line 57, in func_wrapper
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "C:/Prism\Scripts\", line 748, in changeProject
return self.projects.changeProject(*args, **kwargs)
File "C:/Prism\Scripts\PrismUtils\", line 57, in func_wrapper
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "C:/Prism\Scripts\PrismUtils\", line 319, in changeProject
File "C:/Prism\Scripts\PrismUtils\", line 57, in func_wrapper
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "C:/Prism\Scripts\", line 369, in callback
return self.callbacks.callback(*args, **kwargs)
File "C:/Prism\Scripts\PrismUtils\", line 57, in func_wrapper
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "C:/Prism\Scripts\PrismUtils\", line 159, in callback
res = getattr(i, name, lambda *args, **kwargs: None)(*args, **kwargs)
File "C:/Prism/Plugins/PrismTrello\Scripts\", line 68, in func_wrapper
erStr = ("%s ERROR - Prism_Plugin_Trello %s:\n%s\n\n%s" % (time.strftime("%d/%m/%y %X"), args[0].plugin.version, ''.join(traceback.format_stack()), traceback.format_exc()))

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Prism/Plugins/PrismTrello\Scripts\", line 65, in func_wrapper
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "C:/Prism/Plugins/PrismTrello\Scripts\", line 152, in onProjectChanged
if not self.is_enabled():
File "C:/Prism/Plugins/PrismTrello\Scripts\", line 91, in is_enabled
return eval(self.core.getConfig("trello", "enabled", configPath=self.core.prismIni) or "False")
TypeError: eval() arg 1 must be a string, bytes or code object

thanks for all the effort in this neat script, but can't make in work...

i get the same as errors as @amphibious


thanks in advanced


Ah, Richard contacted me about this @deltahoch3.  The issue is that the PrismTrello script is created for a much earlier Prism (v1.1.0).  I tried rolling Prism back to a version that would work but it's not really viable to go that far back.

Hello good people!

In case anyone is still interested in this custom plugin, I was getting same error messages already reported here before and decided try to figure out if it was possible to make it work again. Using Prism's debug mode and a bunch of "print('what is going on here?')", managed to make it sync to Trello and back again.

I was only able to test it with Maya2018 on MacOSX for now, so please be aware of it when trying with different App/OS.

And feel free to make or suggest changes, I am not code-savy so tried to modify mostly what was erroring out.

Hope it helps. Cheers!

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