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MAYA 2025 Integration issues

Hi there,


I recently installed Maya 2025 and tried to add it to my DCC apps. It ran without any errors and then have the Prism shelf visible.
However when I first clicked it I had PySide2 issues, and resolved them by uninstalling/reinstalling Prism.

Now I get prompted this error :

I however don't have a file in my prefs, and checked my previous Maya installs (2022 & 2023) and did not have that script either.

Any idea how I could have the integration function on Maya 2025?


Thanks in advance!

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Hello @gbeccucci

check if there are any errors in your Maya output window as described here:

Hi Richard,


Thanks for your reply, I have been through this page and noticed there aren't any file in my Maya folder as described by the page. I checked my 2022 and 2023 folders and there weren't any file either in the Maya preferences folders.

I have tried the following :

  • remove all maya plugins
  • install Maya fresh & add Prism integration again
  • add the 3 lines of codes to the maya.env file
  • delete Prism altogether and reinstall it

Nothing seems to work, and I always get the same error as above, doesn't matter which window I try to open.


Any idea what I could try next?



Hello @gbeccucci

check if there are any errors at the top of your Maya output window (Windows -> Output Window).