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davinci Resolve

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I started looking into Resolve.

Currently I'm trying to figure out what kind of features would make sense to implement.

I'll take a look at OpenTimelineIO, but it might be a bit overkill at this point.

Since Resolve projects are saved in a database (usually locally) and backed up automatically I think it's not required to let Prism save the Resolve project and version it.

Instead more useful features seem to be:
- Creating Prism shots based on the Resolve timeline
- Importing renders from the Prism project into the timeline

Are there any more ideas what kind of features you'd like to see?

Here is the original Hiero demo and one on the FTrack integration. After conforming/building your edit..

  1. Sequentially rename shots (Could be done on export if the Resolve timeline doesn't support this).
  2. Transcode into image sequences/your comp source of choice (with handles).
  3. Make a nuke script to load it in and define write node output paths.
  4. Create shots and tasks etc in all the relevant places in Prism.
  5. Build it all back into the timeline on a new track. Ideally a track per task.


Instead more useful features seem to be:
- Creating Prism shots based on the Resolve timeline
- Importing renders from the Prism project into the timeline


Absolutely. There's currently no ingest or final export process in PRISM as far as I know. But having a tie-in with Resolve for ingest and conform would be most beneficial.

We're currently doing 200+ shots for a show and conforming and ingesting with Resolve, wanted to use this show as a testbed for prism but we're currently on Ubuntu 20.10 so no 3.8 support yet.


Considering Resolve is rapidly gaining popularity it makes sense to have some kind of rudimentary timeline, ingest and export tie-in.




Sorry for bumping this up: I would love to know what is the status here? Also, is something like a roadmap available? I'm curious when version 2.0 will be ready for download.

Thank you.

There is already a first version of a Resolve plugin in development. Currently some changes are planned based on feedback. It will be released together with Prism 2.0 in a couple of months. It might be summer 2022, but I don't want to be to specific at this point.

Just wanted to bump this. I've only recently got into prism but use Resolve fairly extensively. Has this been implemented at all? Thanks

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