Quote from
RichardF on 10. November 2018, 16:15
For VFX focussed studios this would be very usefull, but also very specific and hard to implement. There are so many variables like in which format are the plates, which comp and editing tools are used by the studio, which colorspaces and comp presets are preferred... I think it would be a lot easier to automate this workflow for a specific studio pipeline where these questions are already decided than trying to automate this in the official Prism version and keeping it flexible enough that it would work for everyone.
But the idea to create a default comp for every shot should be easy to implement and many people would find this usefull.
For VFX focussed studios this would be very usefull, but also very specific and hard to implement. There are so many variables like in which format are the plates, which comp and editing tools are used by the studio, which colorspaces and comp presets are preferred... I think it would be a lot easier to automate this workflow for a specific studio pipeline where these questions are already decided than trying to automate this in the official Prism version and keeping it flexible enough that it would work for everyone.
But the idea to create a default comp for every shot should be easy to implement and many people would find this usefull.