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new bug in commit "improved cryptomatte handling"


you replaced this line :

parm.setExpression(expression, hou.exprLanguage.Python)



in the previous commit for cryptommate handling, the code isn't python anymore and isn't updating the filename per frame

that resulted in every AOV to override the same frame number (the one when submitting ), that make all render unusable.

True, I should have looked at it twice.

Fixed now.

Hello, tried the fix today, most of the AOV seem to have the correct, but not the cryptomatte :



the $AOV isn't replaced by cryptomatte and end up with folder named xxxxxx/$AOV/


also, I think prism should take care of removing any key in the AOV parameter to keep everything uniform, I got a mix of purple parameter and non-keyed black parameter! (happen when prism was updated)

The keyframes on the outputpath parameters are the reason why $AOV wasn't evaluated. The new Prism version doesn't set keyframes for this parameters anymore. I just uploaded a fix, which makes sure there are no keys from previous Prism versions left.