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Houdini digital asset workflow ?

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Quote from SciMunk on 17. February 2019, 18:01

the only thing I noticed is that updating an HDA using the 'change type' method make the node forget about the content of any editable subnetwork located inside the HDA, where using prism 'import new version' using multiple .hda file work cleanly. that probably more a houdini concern, but maybe there is a way to make both behavior work the same ?

Just to be sure, with editable subnetwork you mean a node, which is set in the "Editable Nodes" field of the HDA type properties, right?
I just did a quick test. When I check "keep network contents" in the "Change Type" dialog and after that I use "Match current definition", I have the new node type and the parameters of the editable node are preserved.
Quote from SciMunk on 17. February 2019, 18:01

Creating a new export state on an HDA that was imported using the import State, and executing that HDA create a new .hda where the scene/taskname is located in the project instead of the original HDA location. Maybe a checkbox could propose the user to save the file under the orignal path of the imported HDA ?

Yes the new export gets saved in the context of the current scene file. I could add a checkbox to save it as a new version in the original task, but that's more a lower priority feature.

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