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Animation sequence naming format problem, not recognized by importing into nuke.

Animation sequence naming format problem, not recognized by importing into nuke.
My naming: Main_AOV_Beauty0000.exr, Main_AOV_Beauty0001.exr
After importing into nuke via the 'import images'-'layout all passes' function, the names are recognised as Main_AOV_Beauty0000 .####.exr

Can I change the config file to recognise my naming scheme or is there another way to fix this? Thanks to all of you.

Hey @xtt,

Prism expects the frame number separated by a "." and unfortunately there is no config too change that. You could either rename your images or modify the Prism python script.

If you locate this file in your local Prism installation you can edit it in a text editor:

If you change the line:

curPassName = os.listdir(curPassPath)[0].split(".")[0]

to this:

curPassName = os.listdir(curPassPath)[0].split(".")[0][-4]

then you can save the script, restart Nuke and then it should detect your filenames correctly.



Thanks, why can't the external link folder under the rendering module display the layer?

Quote from RichardF on 28. April 2021, 17:47

Hey @xtt,

Prism expects the frame number separated by a "." and unfortunately there is no config too change that. You could either rename your images or modify the Prism python script.

If you locate this file in your local Prism installation you can edit it in a text editor:

If you change the line:

curPassName = os.listdir(curPassPath)[0].split(".")[0]

curPassName = os.listdir(curPassPath)[0].split(".")[0]to this:

curPassName = os.listdir(curPassPath)[0].split(".")[0][-4]

curPassName = os.listdir(curPassPath)[0].split(".")[0][-4]then you can save the script, restart Nuke and then it should detect your filenames correctly.



After the modification, the path file I imported became 0.####.exr.
All channels are like this.

Sorry I forgot a colon. It should be like this:

curPassName = os.listdir(curPassPath)[0].split(".")[0][:-4]

However I noticed there's also a second line, which you have to modify:

You have to change that from

".".join([curPassName, increment, curPassFormat]),

to this:

curPassName + increment + "." + curPassFormat,