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Prism and Ftrack

Hello Richard,

do you have in your to-do list some Ftrack integration on Prism (like for Shotgun)??

thank you

Yes it's on the to-do list, but it will probably take a bit more time. I know some people/studios already wrote their own Prism-Ftrack connection, but that's not ready to be released yet.

I would love this, as well.  I'm sure you have many votes, since it's on your to-do list. 🙂

It would be great to have Ftrack integrated, my vote goes here.

Same here. ftrack users deserve a proper desktop client.

I'm happy to confirm that FTrack will be supported in Prism 2. Some work has been done already on that integration, but there's still some work to be done until the release in a few months.


Wow, awesome. Thank you for great news. I'm waiting for version 2 even more now 🙂