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Missing Compositing software support (Fusion, Natron)


Nice to see that Prism 2 just got released, congratulation on that!

However even for little teams or personal projects a Fusion or Natron support is missing. In Prism 1 there was even Natron support. With Prism 2 we only got support for Nuke, but that's craaazy expensive for a small team.

Is there any plan to add support for Fusion down the line?

Thanks for the congratulations.

The Natron plugin in Prism 1 wasn't used very much and at some point the Natron development stopped. Therefore we also stopped updating the Prism Natron plugin. It great to see that the Natron development continued and if there is enough demand, we might continue the Prism Natron plugin.

The Fusion plugin was discontinued for similar reasons. It was actually quite difficult to develop and to maintain (because it we're most comfortable with Python and Fusion requires some Lua scripting). The userbase of the Prism Fusion plugin was not very big as well. On top of that the free version of Fusion standalone got discontinued and somehow integrated into Resolve. So we wanted to wait until it is clear if Fusion will be fully integrated into Resolve or continues as a standalone tools, which would most likely affect the plugin development.

There are no short term plans to work on official plugins for both tools, but if the demand is there it would be possible in the future for sure.

Thank you for the explination!