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Houdini caching fails with Deadline when PRISM 2 is installed

I'm using PRISM 2, since the release date. I cached a couple of things last week with Deadline. (I'm using the default houdini rops, so Prism isn't in use for the cache so to speak)
Last week caching went fine. BUT today I couldn't cache anything with deadline with my primary workstation, where Prism is installed. I realized, that another machine is caching just fine.
So firstĀ  I just removed the houdini folder from documents, to reset any preferences might causing the issue, but when I did so I got a new error message, that the prism init is missing.
It was really strange since in the new .ENV file, there was not a single line referencing PRISM. So TLDR I had to UNINSTALL PRISM entirley to get my caching going on deadline.

Two thoughts:
Where does Prism put it's integration into Houdini, since disabling the Houdini plug-in wasn't enough, I had to uninstall prism?
And could it be, it was working fine last week and it's dead now? I hope there's no automatic updates.
The initial error message:

FailRenderException : Error: module 'hou' has no attribute 'ui'

And the complaints about the missing Prism init after reseting the Houdini 19.5 folder in the documents:

FailRenderException : Error: No module named 'PrismInit'

Oh and about the original issue. What could be the solution for this error?