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ftrack integration

hey, i've completed everything to setup prism and ftrack, i can read data from ftrack inside prism project browser, i see shots, tasks, and everything, but when im trying to save any scenefile within this project i got a massage "the current scenefile is not saved in the current prism project, use the project browser to save your scene in the project, and its just a infinite loop with this massage,


so basicly what im doing is right click in prism project window and then clicking "create new version from current".


is there any solution to that?

You mean you get that message when you use "create new version from current" or you are using this option as a replacement for the "Save Version" option?

Does that only happen when you have the ftrack integration enabled?

Can you create a new scene from a preset (also in the rightclick menu)?

Is the project on a network path or on a local drive?

it happens in "create new version from current", when i hit "save version", it opens up project browswer as expected,

yes, it happens only with ftrack integration,

i managed to make working kitsu integration

if i create a new scene from preset it makes an empty hip file correct, when i open it and try to "save version" it pops up same "the current scenefile is not saved in the current prism project"

right now prism is instaled with all default options, and project is on local drive

What's the full filepath of your currently open hipfile?

Do you have the same warning when the ftrack/kitsu plugins are disabled and the "Manager" in the ProjectManagement settings is set to None?

Currently I can't reproduce the problem. If you could make a quick screenrecording it could help to figure it out.

hip file is not saved so it directs do documents and settings

here's the video
first i create new project, from default settings, saving doesnt work,

next i open already created project with kitsu integration and it works

then i open ftrack project and it doesnt work at all