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Blender rna_uiItem0: operator missing srna

Hello, I've stumbled this issue with Blender. I'm not sure is it need Blender to be installed in usr/local?

rna_uiItemO: operator missing srna 'object.prism_save'
rna_uiItemO: operator missing srna 'object.prism_savecomment'
rna_uiItemO: operator missing srna 'object.prism_browser'
rna_uiItemO: operator missing srna 'object.prism_manager'
rna_uiItemO: operator missing srna 'object.prism_settings'
rna_uiItemO: operator missing srna 'object.prism_save'
rna_uiItemO: operator missing srna 'object.prism_savecomment'
rna_uiItemO: operator missing srna 'object.prism_browser'
rna_uiItemO: operator missing srna 'object.prism_manager'
rna_uiItemO: operator missing srna 'object.prism_settings'
rna_uiItemO: operator missing srna 'object.prism_save'
rna_uiItemO: operator missing srna 'object.prism_savecomment'
rna_uiItemO: operator missing srna 'object.prism_browser'
rna_uiItemO: operator missing srna 'object.prism_manager'
rna_uiItemO: operator missing srna 'object.prism_settings'
rna_uiItemO: operator missing srna 'object.prism_save'
rna_uiItemO: operator missing srna 'object.prism_savecomment'
rna_uiItemO: operator missing srna 'object.prism_browser'
rna_uiItemO: operator missing srna 'object.prism_manager'
rna_uiItemO: operator missing srna 'object.prism_settings'

This looks like you removed the 2.83/scripts/startup/ file manually. It's better to use the Prism Settings dialog to rermove the Prism integration from Blender.

The issue is that the Prism menu is added to this file:


Before Prism modified that file it created a file in the same folder. Use that to restore the original menu, which should remove the warnings.

Hi RichardF,

Thank for the reply, but it seems I can't get it to work in blender 2.83. I want to install prism integration not removing it. So the menu showing but not the content.


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Then either the doesn't exist or it has an error during loading. Do you see any other errors in the terminal when starting Blender?

I've got the following when starting blender

found bundled python: /opt/blender/next/lts/2.83/python
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/blender/next/lts/2.83/scripts/modules/bpy/utils/", line 109, in _test_import
mod = __import__(module_name)
File "/opt/blender/next/lts/2.83/scripts/startup/", line 54, in <module>
from PySide2.QtCore import *
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PySide2'


I think it's related with disabling pyside in prism directory, but still the blender integration not calling from system pyside.

Looks like Blender is not using the system environment variables by default.

To let Blender find your system PySide you have two options:

  1. Like suggested here you can start Blender with the --python-use-system-env argument.
  2. You can add the path to pyside into blender-2.83.3-linux64/2.83/scripts/startup/ by adding this line: sys.path.append("/path/to/pyside2/parent/folder")

Hmm, now another error showing ?

found bundled python: /opt/blender/next/lts/2.83/python
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/blender/next/lts/2.83/scripts/modules/bpy/utils/", line 109, in _test_import
mod = __import__(module_name)
File "/opt/blender/next/lts/2.83/scripts/startup/", line 58, in <module>
from PySide2.QtCore import *
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/PySide2/", line 51, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/PySide2/", line 21, in _setupQtDirectories
import shiboken2
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/shiboken2/", line 27, in <module>
from .shiboken2 import *
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'shiboken2.shiboken2'

shiboken2 is a dependency of PySide2. Usually when you install PySide2 it installs shiboken2 automatically as well, but there might be something wrong with your version.

Maybe reinstalling it fixes it. Maybe you need to install a different version. It's hard to say what exactly the problem is without having a look at your environment.

I'd recommend installing Python 3.7 making sure PySide2 works in it before trying to load it into Blender.

Hi Richard,

Finally I'm getting back using pyenv and everything works fine. I use pyenv to install Python 3.7.9 and append


Thank you so much


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Awesome, great to hear that!