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Ability to add additional Deadline parameters

It would be great to be able to add additional Deadline command line parameters to the job submission in the state manager. Currently, we aren't able to use the Deadline submission via the state manager as the only way we can consistently have jobs actually render anything is by having the argument Plugin=MayaCMD, (Prism uses Plugin=MayaBatch) and have the argument Ignore Error Code 211=1. We are also using a custom OCIO.config and the argument EnableOpenColorIO=1 is present when submitting through Deadline, and not when submitting through Prism.

What I am thinking is possibly have a button in the Deadline section of the state manager that opens up a window similar to the rendersettings - presets window. There, we can add any Deadline arguments that we want, including ones that would override the default prism arguments (Plugin, Comment, etc.). There could even be a save option where the custom arguments are saved to a file somewhere in the 00_Pipeline folder so they can be quickly loaded in again in different scenes.

Thanks for everything!

PS: For some reason, the Deadline comments for every job submitted through Prism is just the generic "Prism-Submission-Maya_ImageRender" even if there's a comment in the state manager which if I'm not mistaken is what is supposed to be used by default?. Like I mentioned earlier, also being able override the comment in with custom argument would be great as we like to have our job comments in Deadline be different than our scene comments.

PSS: Could you allow us to set the Task Timeout Limit to 0, thus disabling it entirely?

Making a GUI for every possible submission parameter is a bit out of scope as there are always changing options.

Would it work for you if Prism would recognize specific environment variables and you could set them to override the submission settings? The advantage of environment variables over a normal config file would be that you could change the env vars theoretically between the execution of two render states.