Richard Frangenberg
Magnus Igland Møller
Manuel Köster
In this presentation we present and discuss the latest developments of Prism Pipeline 2. Prism 2 is currently in private beta and will be released soon (details about the timeline will be given during the presentation).
In this presentation we will focus on these topics:
USD (Universal Scene Description): 5:46
Working with USD across multiple DCCs and in Prism standalone.
Unreal Engine: 10:20
Automating the workflow between Unreal Engine and other DCCs with Prism. Specifically we will be talking about the Sequencer and USD features in Unreal.
Project Management: 14:28
Connecting Prism to 3rd party management tools like Kitsu, Shotgrid or FTrack. We will also look at handling media and reviewing in Open RV.
Cloud / Remote workflows: 19:34
Syncing files with remote artists or between studio locations with a new Prism cloud service.
Prism in production at Tumblehead: 22:00
Insights in the workflow of the animation studio Tumblehead.
MaterialX | QuiltiX: 30:06
Working with MaterialX to simplify material workflows between DCCs and between renderers. We will reveal “QuiltiX”; A new standalone MaterialX editor.